Health and Wellbeing

The COGS Health and Wellbeing new page is part of an initiative by the Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies that focuses on the mental health and well-being of all graduate students attending Ƶ.

Studies have shown that “graduate students are more than six times as likely to experience depression and anxiety as compared to the general population” (). Around half of PhD students and more than a third of Master’s and Professional students reported elevated symptoms of depression ().

Whether you are in person or online, our goal is to support all of our COGS students by providing information and resources related to mental health and well-being tailored specifically for our graduate student population. Listed below are a number of resources geared towards mental health and well-being that Georgia Southern has to offer to its students.


 – Balance: You’re more than a Degree

This weekly group is a space for graduate students to connect with their peers, share their experiences, learn from other students going through similar circumstances, and practice healthy coping skills. Graduate students have the opportunity to discuss a wide range of topics including academics, stress management, relationships, career, cultural concerns, and coping in regard to COVID-19 concerns. 

The Division of Student Affairs created a comprehensive explanation and list of resources about what it is doing to promote health and well-being for all students at Georgia Southern.

The Counseling Center is available online or in-person at the Statesboro and Armstrong campuses.

Be Well Ƶ is an initiative meant to support the physical and mental health needs of those within our campus community. There is also the GS Wellness Hub, which is a health and wellness program for our students.

Student Wellness & Health Promotion has links to programs and services for different subject matters related to student wellness and health.

Through Leadership & Community Engagement, there are various volunteer opportunities at Georgia Southern or in the community.

 (Fall 2022 sign-up will open soon.)

Through the Mentor Collective and COGS, graduate students can sign up for a mentorship with more experienced graduate students.

Peer Mentors

Graduate peer mentors serve as a resource to first year graduate students.

Social Hour Webinars

COGS hosts a series of information social hour webinars throughout the year. They offer content ranging from key University resources to professional advice. During these social hour sessions, you’ll hear from experts from both within and outside the institution as they share their expertise and take part in a Q&A session with graduate students.

COGS Social Media

If you are interested in following us on social media, we are on Facebook and Twitter.